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STEEL DECK INSTITUTE. P.O. Box 426. Glenshaw, PA 15116. Phone: (412) 487-3325. Fax: (412) 487-3326 DIAPHRAGM DESIGN MANUAL. THIRD EDITION. Diaphragm Design Manual - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for Steel Deck institute War TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ADDENDA TO APPENDIX IV a DDM04 September 2015The Fourth Edition of the SDI Diaphragm Design Manual, [Digital PDF] Steel Deck on Cold-Formed Steel Framing Design Manual - No. Expanding on its 1st and 2nd Editions, the Steel Deck Institute (SDI) published the 3rd edition of the Diaphragm Design Manual (DDM03) in 2004. New Millennium has provided the following tables based on the Steel Deck Institute Diaphragm Design Manual, Third. Edition, to assist designers. The First Edition of the DDM, published in 1980, was authored by Dr. Larry Luttrell, P.E., the Technical Advisor to the SDI. The diaphragm design method Since design professionals frequently use the installed deck system as part of the horizontal bracing system (the deck as a diaphragm), any fasteningwith the third edition publication of the Steel Deck Institute Diaphragm Design Manual (SDI-DDM). This edition is revised and adapted to include both ASD
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