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These charts show the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Instructional Technology Specialist In 2010, instructional technologists and instructional coordinators earned an estimated average salary of about $58,000. The middle 50 percent earned The average salary for the role of Instructional Technologist is in United States is $59,700. This salary is based on 108 salaries submitted by LinkedIn The national average salary for Instructional Technologist is $61,592 per year in United States. Filter by location to see Instructional Technologist These charts show the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Instructional Technologist in the A Instructional Designer or Technologist earns a pay level between $39,270 to $105,650 depending on experience and talent. usually get a salary of seventy 128 Instructional Technologist jobs available on Apply to Technologist, Instructional Designer, Senior Instructional Designer and more!The average annual salary for Instructional Technologists in the US is $57301. See how your salary compares to other Instructional Technologists with
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